Prof. Dr.R.Raman received his B.Sc (Ag) in 1990, M.Sc (Ag) in 1992 and Ph.D in 1998 from Annamalai University. He joined as Lecturer in 1994, elevated as Associate Professor in 2003 and Professor in 2007.Recently he appointed as Director in Centre for Natural Farming and Sustainable Agriculture His research interest focus on: Organic farming, post harvest technology and climate change studies. He has presented many of his research papers in International and National conferences as a keynote speaker/ plenary speaker, invited speaker and also served as Chairman/ convener of scientific session.
He was recipient of International Young and Deserving Weed Scientist award from Asian pacific Weed Science Society in 1999, Crop Research Award from Agricultural research Information Centre in 2004, United Nations University Fellowship from United Nations University Tokyo, Japan in 2008 and best Oral presentation award at the 2nd International Conference on Agriculture and Biological Sciences in 2016 held at Shanghai, China. He has served as National Level Monitoring team member in the National Food Security Mission, Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India.He is operating many research projects in his capacity as Principal Investigator. He has published many of his research papers in the reputed scientific journals. He is a life member of many National and International organizations. He has visited 14 countries for the research and academic purposes.