Dr. Pravin Kumar Upadhyay is working as a Scientiest at ICAR-IARI. He has completed his MSc. and Ph.D. from anaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Awards / Recognitions / Fellowship (Five only) :
- ICAR-JRF (2010)/SRF (2012), UGC-BSR Fellow (2012), UGC Fellow (2012), DST-INSPIRE Fellow (2012)
- University Gold Medal at ANDUAT, Ayodhya (2010)
- BHU Merit Gold Medal (2012) and Dr. Mahatim Singh Gold Medal (2012)
- Indian Society of Agronomy Best Ph.D Thesis Award (2017), and RASSA Best Ph.D Thesis Award (2019) at BHU, Varanasi.
- Indian Society of Agronomy P.S.Deshmukh Young Agronomist Award (2020) and Gold Medal